Saturday 26 November 2011

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Friday 4 November 2011

God's Answers to Why Young People Have to Die

!±8± God's Answers to Why Young People Have to Die

I passed the most tragic car accident. It was tragic because a young man was dead behind the steering wheel. I prayed for his soul and family, and later that evening I realized that there are people who are in airplane and car accidents that look horrific, and they walk away alive, in tact with perhaps a few scratches.

I had a deep yearning to learn the truth about death. I asked God/Source, "Why do young people have to die?" The question came from the bottom of my heart.

The following are the answers from Source.

"You are viewing death as if it is some kind of ending, when in actuality it is merely a new experience in the life of one's soul.

All conscious beings have eternal life. It is the soul of a person that is their life force. The soul desires to have new experiences, or there are younger souls who made a choice of their own free will to enter into physical life for a short time, and their passing would be a catalyst for much needed change and transformation.

I want you to view death as a choice to live in another area or realm. For this is what the soul actually does; it lives in another realm as non-physical soul energy.

Society has created great misunderstandings over death. Far too many people are suffering, and they are suffering because they miss the person they love.

I would like to give you an analogy that may help many people.

Suppose you love someone who is in your daily life who decides to move away to another country. They decided they do not want cell phones, or computer screens, they just want to live on an island and enjoy nature.

If the person you love moved to an island without communication, you would still miss that person, and you would adjust to being without them physically.

Even if you never saw them again in this lifetime, you would honor their choice to move into a new way of life.

For many people, death is a new chance for a new beginning. Perhaps they would rather incarnate into a new life rather than stay in their current life.

The people who "die" in terms of how society views death are free of pain. They feel peaceful. Perhaps they feel peace for the first time in many years or decades. They are no longer living in their old life. They simply moved on.

When someone passes, if they are loved, they are dearly missed by their loved ones no matter what their chronological age was on the last day of their physical life.

Whether someone was twelve, twenty two, or eighty two, the feelings of missing that person are what the pain is all about. As I shared with you, physical death is moving into a new life.

The people who are left behind so to speak are the one's who suffer, and this suffering can be transformed by sharing a new perspective for anyone who needs it.

Instead of saying, "Jim died" say, "Jim moved into a new life." "Jim" is not 'dead' at all. He simply moved away, fully alive as far as his soul and consciousness. Any love he felt for another person remains eternal for as long as that love is alive spanning eons of lifetimes.

The saying, "he passed on" is much more accurate. A person of any age 'passes on' into their new experience of life.

Let me ask you to consider how long you would prefer to remain in this life as you are. Some of you would want to "check out" today. Some others feel they have a mission to complete and then they can 'move on' with a peaceful and fulfilled heart.

The reason you see people escape what look like lethal accidents is simply because it was not their time to move on.

Think of it if you would, as a 'lease' for a certain duration, as well as for certain experiences. Your life is like a lease, and when the lease is up, it is then time to move on.

Changing houses, countries or lifetimes are very similar in the actual course of a person's life. If you cannot see or have a back and forth conversation with a loved one who moved away, how is this different from 'passing on'?

There truly is no difference. It is how you are perceiving death. Yes, a physical life came to a finish, and the person's soul moves into a new life and can stay in a new life for as long as they choose. Some people choose eternity on the other side. Some choose a very short time if they want to come back into a new life.

View it as "leasing experiences for the soul." No matter what realm, if the person is in physical form, non-physical form, or a new physical form, the experiences are transitory, but life is eternal.

So you can move from lifetime to lifetime. You can stay in this life for as long as you chose prior to coming into this life.

When we look at small children who have passed, they are dearly loved and protected on the other side. They are all of who they ever were, as far as a soul who had many incarnations. Perhaps prior to the child's incarnation, he agrees to come into this life with cancer, and leave while at a young age in order to catalyze medial research for a cure. Perhaps the child's parents made an agreement with their child to be prior to coming into this life that they would help and do all they can to eradicate or transform the conditions which caused their physical passing.

All of this is agreed to prior to this life. But once incarnated, people 'forget' about the agreements they made on the conscious level. Many people feel a sense of purpose or destiny, they are remembering their soul's mission for entering into this life to begin with.

It is not, "Why do young people have to die?" It is, "What purpose did the person's life and passing create?"

Each soul has a purpose. So many times change and transformation in society are the result of things that happen to people just prior to their physical passing. Whether it is MADD, Mothers Against Drunk Driving, or safety precautions at an amusement part for all equipment such as a Ferris wheel or rollercoaster.

Intersections that need safety stop lights. School zones that need a slow speed limit. The list is as endless as life itself. All of these changes were catalyzed by the passing of a loved one to ensure that no one else would pass in that manner again.

This is the decision of the remaining loved ones, and all parties agreed to make this difference prior to entering into this life.

Many parents whose sons and daughters passed on while serving in the military feel that their child was a hero. And this is truth. Their child fought to ensure eternal freedom for millions of people, and they knew that their passing had great meaning, just as their physical life did, and just as their eternal life does in non-physical form.

I guide you, the reader, to ask what transformation can be catalyzed as a result of a hero who sacrificed any part of life, at any age. Perhaps someone has a grand parent who passes from any number of causes. Their children and loved ones ensure to keep their memory alive, even if they passed on at what is viewed as an older chronological age.

The life span of a soul is eternal. There is never an end to life. If you are alive, there is a deeply needed reason for it. If you love someone who passed on, there was a deep need for transformation, and this is what I would like you to focus on.

You come into a transient life, with agreements to transform, and then you change form when you transfer from physical to non-physical life. Do you see a correlation here?

"Trans" is that which is temporary. Trans is a Latin noun or prefix, meaning "across", "beyond" or "on the opposite side [of]."

So we can say that in this temporary life, beyond or on the opposite side of heaven is earth, one of the toughest schools for soul growth in the universe. And beyond this phase of life are transformations that are catalyzed by a transfer or exchange of energy, such as one giving their physical life to propel the transformation of any condition to ensure the safely of all others.

Whether this has helped you is determined by how you are viewing the soul you love who moved or transferred into a new life, on the other side, and has the universe of possibilities to return in order to create new transformations. And this cycle is called reincarnation.

Just as people have had many lives, there are also many reasons a person chooses to come into this life, as well as when, why and how to pass into the after life. Please view all souls as eternally alive. If you are missing someone who passed on, call out their name. They can hear you. Your loved one can visit you, and it is just a short time in terms of the age of the universe when you share the company of a loved one again. But do NOT take your own life. You have an agreement or several of them.

Choosing to take your life will only cause you to come right back and complete the mission you signed up for. Please know that eternal life is for every soul. The life of the soul is eternal. The love you share with anyone is eternal. The passing of a loved one, or anyone, is filled with meaning - and that meaning was one of the reasons they came into this life.

Death is not an end at all. It is a new beginning in the life experiences of the soul. Please remember that."

God's Answers to Why Young People Have to Die

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